Friday, December 14, 2012

December 13

C. Substitution-where one base in DNA is substituted by another. This will probably change one amino acid in the protein. This will either destroy the protein's function (unlikely), keep it the same (likely), slightly hurt the protein's function (likely), or make the protein better (unlikely)-- this is the source of genetic adaptation in a population.

II. Intron/ Exon-changes an intron to an exon or vice-versa-- destroys the protein (probably)

III. Nondisjunction- When the chromosomes do not split apart in anaphase I and/or in anaphase II. Result: Extra DNA or not enough DNA in sperm or egg.
        A. Down Syndrome- Trisomy 21 (3 #21 chromosomes) symptoms: Characteristic Appearance, learning disability. Heart and intestinal defects. Life span approximately 55 years.
        B. Sex Chromosomes: 4
                1. Klinefelter's Syndrome- XXY (XXXY, XXXXY- rare and severe) Male. Characteristic Appearance, no mental disability. Sterile and lessened masculinity--low testosterone.

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