Monday, December 17, 2012

SRY Gene - epistatic. Controls 2 other genes.
     1. Testosterone Gene - tells the Adrenal gland to produce a surge of testosterone in the 7th week of enbryonic developement. Causes the formations of the male sexual anatomy.
     2. MIS Gene - produces a protein that stops the formation of female anatomy.

Gene Control (watched video) - the Lac-Operon - is a set of genes found in E Coli that help to breakdown Lactose (milk sugar)

I. Lactose passively diffuses into the cell and bonds to a repressor molecule found on the promotor region (TATA Box) of the operon. Lactose is the inducer.

II. This lifts the repressor off of the DNA. Allowing Transcription Factors and RNA Polymerase to start the process of the transcription of 3 genes:
     A. Beta-Galactosidase - breaks the 2 sugars apart.
                                   Lactose ----------> Glucose and Galactose

     B. Permease - embeds in the cell membrane and provides a passageway for lactose.
     C. Galactose Transferase - converts galactose into glucose.

III. As Lactose is metabolized and becomes low in concentration, the inducer lactose molecules will break off the repressor. Now, the repressor bonds back onto the promotor region and this stops the transcription of the 3 genes.

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