Tuesday, January 8, 2013


(We finished up the cladogram of the vertebrates. I'm not sure (depending on which hour you're in) if you have this cladogram finished. 4th hour did not. So check with a neighbor. Below is the part of the cladogram on hearts, which Lit said would be on the test. Pictures came with it.)

Fish                                   Amphibians              Reptiles                        Birds                        Mammals
2-Chambered (50%)       2 then 3 (70%)     3, Ventrical paritally            4   (100%)                4 (100%)
                                                                         divided  (85%)    


II. Comparative Biochemistry--Comparing the sequences of DNA & Proteins. Allows us to determine genetic relationships between organisms.

III. Comparative Anatomy 
   A. Homologous Structures--Similar anatomically, but not necessarily similar functionally. Allows us to see
          Divergent Evolution--the structures become dissimilar functionally. 
   B. Analogous Structures--similar functionally but not similar anatomically. Evidence of Convergent
             Evolution--two "unrelated" species develop functionally similar structures from different origins.

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