Wednesday, January 9, 2013

III. Comparative Anatomy cont...
C. Vestigial Structures: are of no apparent use or value. remnants of our evolutionary past?
IV. Comparative Embryology
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny
The development of embryo is a highlight reel of the evolution of that species.
V. Physical Sciences
A. Astronomy: The farthest galaxy identified is approximately 15 billion light years away from the earth (Light Year: amount of distant light travels in a year)
B. Geology: slowly but surely, geologic forces (erosion, tectonics, volcanism) cause great change over long periods of time.
VI. Artificial Selection:when humans breed for characteristics that we select and the result is great change in a species. DOGS
VII. Biogeography: where life is located on the planet
 A. Isolation=Endemism (found in only one place) When a population becomes isolated, mutation and natural selection will start to change population and make it different from its ancestral species. If the isolation lasts long enough, a new species will evolve.

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