Monday, April 8, 2013


II. Food=Energy

Sun--Photosynthesis (Gross Primary Productivity)-->Producers--Cell Metabolism (90%)-->Heat
Producers--(10%)--> 1 Consumers/Herbivores (Net Primary Productivity)--(90%)-->Heat
1 Consumers--(10%)-->2 Consumers (1% Gross)--(10%)-->3 Consumers (0.1% Gross)--(10%)-->4 Consumer (0.01% Gross)
2, 3, & 4 Consumers are all Carnivores
Decomposers on every level

10% Rule--Only 10% of the energy produced by photosynthesis is available to Consumers. 90% is metabolized and "lost" as heat.

                                                                   Food Pyramid of Biomass
                                                             90% is in the Producers (bottom)
                                                             9% Herbivores (middle)
                                                            1% Carnivores (top)

(You can make a living as a cow masseuse in Japan. Just saying.)

Biological Magnification--when fat-soluble toxins like pesticides (DDT) & metals (Pb, Mercury)
2 Ospreys 10lbs<---Large Fish 100lbs<---Small Fish 1000lbs<---Insects 10,000lbs<---Algae 100,000lbs
25 mg/L DDT           2.5 mg/L                    0.25 mg/L                     0.025 mg/L              0.0025 mg/L DDT

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