Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Chordata
*Subphylum- Vertebrata
Class-  Mammalia
*Subclass- Placenta
Order- Primate
*Superfamily- Hominoideae
Family- Hominidae
Genus-  Homo
Species-  sapiens
II. 1st Modification
*Sub...and Super... (due to the original system being unable to fit all species being discovered)
III. 2nd Modification
Added "Domain" above kingdom. There are 3 domains of life.
A. Bacteria- Have no internal membranes-no organelles, no nucleus, Peptidoglycan in cell wall, I kind of RNA polymerase, no Introns, no Histones (protein beads that DNA wraps around) in DNA, circular chromosome, different Ribosomes.
B. Archea- No internal membranes, organelles, or nucleus. Circular DNA, no peptidoglycon, several RNA polymerases, Introns, Histones
C. Eukarya- Have internal membranes, nucleus, organelles, no peptidoglycon, rod-like DNA, several RNA polymerases, Introns, and Histones.
Archae and Bacteria are both prokaryotes, but Eukarya and Archea are more closely related to each other.

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