Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday May 1, 2013

Forming Life's Building Blocks
  • Concerns have been raised about the "primordial soup" hypothesis
    • No oxygen=> no protective ozone layer
      • therefore, the UV light would have been destroyed and the essential ammonia and methane gases
  • Louis Lerman, in 1986, proposed the bubble model
  • When the experiment is done one of the things formed is urisil which is found in RNA 
The First Cells
  • The first step may have been the formation of tiny bubble termed microspheres 
Structure of Prokaryote
  • Prokaryotes are small, simpily organized, single cells that lack a nucleus
  • Include bacteria and archaea
  • have a cell wall
    • composed of peptidoglycan 
      • network of polysaccharides linked by peptide cross-links
  • bacteria are separated into two groups based on membranes
  • Peptidoglycan are in either a thick layer with no outer membrane that will stain (gram-positive) or in a thin layer with an outer membrane that won't stain (gram-negative)
  • Hans Christian Gram developed a stain to differentiate between the two
  • When cells are stressed they pass their plasmid DNA following cell-to-cell contact
  • Based on carbon and energy sources, prokaryotes can be divided into four categories
    • 1. Photoautotrophs: Photosynthesizes, or plants. 
      • Cyanobacteria: when a lake suddenly has an algae bloom and turns pea soup green, it's not algae, its cyanobacteria
    • 2. Chemoautotrophs: use inorganic fuels as their food. 
      • For example: nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrifiers oxidize ammonia or nitrite
    • 3. Photoheterotrophs: Use light as energy and pre-formed organic molecules as carbon sources
      • Purple nonsulfur bacteria
      • Very Rare
    • 4. Chemoheterotrophs: Use organic molecules and energy sources 
      • Decomposers and most other types of bacteria.

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