Thursday, May 2, 2013



Based on carbon and energy sources, prokaryotes can be divided into 4 groups
  1. Photoautrouphs
  • Use energy of sunlight to build organic molecules
  • Cyanobacteria
  1. Chemoautotrouphs
  •  Obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic substances
  1. Photoheterotrouphs
  • Rare
  1. Chemoheterotrouphs
  • use organic molecules as carbon and energy sources
  • Latin for poison
  • Non-celklur particle with
    • DNA or RNA
    • 1 or 2 Protien coats (capsids)
    • May have Viral Envelope - Phosholipids
  • Do Not respire or grow
  • ONLY function in a living cell
  • Not given Latin names like living organisms
  • 4 Charicteristics - Only have 1 (Genetic material
    • Made of cells
    • has metabolism
    • reproduces on its own
    • Genitic material
Virus have 2 different cycles
Lytic cycle
  • 1- Virus absorption/ attachment
  • 2 - Injection/ entry
  • 3- Replication of viral parts
  • 4- Assembly of the Virions
  • 5- Release by lysis
  • cause disease, cell gets taken over and produces more viruses that bust the cell
 Lysogenic Cycle
  • Lays dormant in your body, doesn't destroy host cell
Temperate Viruses do both (HIV)

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