Friday, May 3, 2013

Colonies- permanent association of cells, but little or no integration of cell activities.
            Volvox- unicellular green alga, colony is a hollow ball of cells.
Kingdom Protista-
Protists are the most diverse eukaryotic kingdoms.
-There are 15 distinct Phyla of Protists.
     -These are grouped into five general groups based on shared characteristics
        1. Presence/absence of flagella/cilia
        2. Presence and kinds of pigments
        3. The type of mitosis
        4. the types of cristae in mitochondrea
        5. Ribosomes are the same
      -There are five major, subdivided groups.
        1. Ameaboids- Heterotrophs with no permanent locomotor apparatus
        2. Heterotrophs with flagella
        3. Heterotrophs with restricted mobility (slime-molds)
        4. Photosynthetic protists (algae)
        5. Nonmotile spore-formers

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