Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Solvent + Solute = Solvent 
*All chemical reactions in your body, the chemicals must be in solution, they must be hydrogen bonded to water

  • Saturation- the point where no more solute can dissolve into the solvent
D. H2O holds heat well
E. High Evaporation energy coefficient- takes a lot of energy for H2o molecules to evaporate
F. Water is heaviest at four degrees C. Most materials have more volume and mass in a solid state then in a liquied state except water. Turnover- allows nutrients at the bottom of the lake to circulated in tot he water column. In winter everything sinks to the bottom, the bottom of the lake is warmer then the top. In spring the ice on the lake melts the cold water sinks tot he bottom pushing everything to the top
G. pH- proportion of H-plus to OH-minus in solution. Measured on a scale of 0-14. 7 is nuetral. Pure water has a charge of zero. Hyrdonium equals hydroxide. 

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