Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012
*this reading assignment is to read Chapters 3-4. Due a week from today. (September 3)  If you think you know chemistry then only read Chapters 3.4-3.5, and Chapter 4.

-in biology our cells need to break in order to form again
-Hydrogen does not have a neutron in its orbit, First element= one proton. The number of the element tells you the number of protons. Carbon is element number six meaning it has 6 protons
-A single proton can also be called a hyrdrogen atom.

I. Chemical Bonds- 3 Basic types
    A. Covalent- 2 Types-When valence electrons (the outer shell) are shared.
           1. Non-Polar - H2. Electrons are shared equally. True or False: nonpolar molecules are sticky? False.  Lewis Structure of Hyrdrogen. 1P is the symbol, put a circle around 1P and then put a dot on the circle. The dot represents an electron. H-H represents a single pair of electrons being shared, and that it is a covalent bond. O=O represents a double bond, meaning sharing a two pairs of electrons
           2. Polar- When electrons are shared unequally
                       H2O. Start with Oxygen. In its first shell it has 2 electrons, second shell it has 6 electrons. It needs two more electrons to fill its shell, which is where hyrdrogen comes in. It is bonded to Oxygen. the north pole of the lewis structure or H2O is charged negatively, and the south pole of it is charged positively. If you throw two water molecules together then they will stick together because oppisites attract.  In class thing: water on table, they are sticking together. Then paper (made of gluclose) is barely put on the water and Capillary Action takes place, the paper looks like it is sucking the water into it. The water and the paper are forming bonds because the gluclose is polar also.
    B. Ionic-Strongest bond known to man. Attraction between oppositely charged ions

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