Friday, October 12, 2012

Cellular Respiration:

Cellular respiration: the harvesting of energy from the breakdown of organic molecules produced by plants (glucose)
Overall Process-
Glucose + Oxygen--(energy is given off to form 36 ATP)-- Carbon Dioxide + Water 
C6H12O6 + 6O2--(energy)--- 6CO2 + 6H2O
2 Stages to Cell Respiration-
A. Glycolysis- The beginning stages of the breakdown of glucose
     -Occurs in the Cytoplasm
     1. Glucose is phosphorylated- requires 2 ATP's (-2 ATP)
          -Changes glucose into Fructose
     2. Fructose is broken down into 2 3-C molecules, then each of these molecules is broken down into                  Pyruvates
          - 2 electrons are given off of each
          - 2 ATP's formed from each
          -Net yield of energy from glycolysis
          - requires NO oxygen to perform

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