Wednesday, October 3, 2012

V. Plant Pigments- Two Types
     A. Chlorophylls- A and B "Green"
     B. Caretenoids
          1. Xanthophyll- "Red"
          2. Carotene- "Yellow Orange"- Produce fall pigments.
 VI. Photosynthesis or Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation
     A. The Light Dependent Reactions
          1. Photons are absorbed by a chlorophyll molecule in Photo System II.
          2. The energy is transferred through the chlorophylls to the Reaction Center chlorophyll and there it is converted to electricity by boosting an electrons energy state. The electrons are obtained by an enzyme in the Reaction Center that harvests them from H2O. Equation: H2O------Enzyme> 2e- and 2H+ and 1/2 O2.
          3. The excited electrons will now be sent down a chain of proteins called Cytochromes. Along the line their energy is used to pump protons from one side of the membrane to the other. This sets up a proton gradient.
          4. Now the protons want to diffuse back. They are allowed to through a protein called ATP Synthase. Which uses diffusional power to make ATP from ADP and P. If the electrons are recycled back to Photo System II it is Cyclic Photophosphorylation.


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