Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15

     B. Pyruvate Oxidation
               1.  Pyruvate enters the mitochondria into the Inter-membrane Space.
               2. It is then converted into Acetyl Co-A.  This strips off a carbon and it leaves as C02 and two electrons leave and bond to NADH. (4 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 CO2)
     C. The Krebs Cycle
              1. Acetyl CoA enters the Mitochondria matrix. This chemical bonds to a four carbon starter, to make a six carbon product.
              2. The six carbon compound breaks down into a 5 carbon compound and CO2 and this also generates a NADH. (6 NADH, 2 ATP, 4 CO2) TWO OF EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING BECAUSE WE STARTED WITH A GLUCOSE
             3. The five carbon compound is broken down into a four carbon and CO2. An ATP is generated and another NADH. (8 NADH 4ATP 6 CO2)
            4.  Four Carbon molecule is now oxidized further, into the starting material.  This yeilds one more NADH and on FADH2.  (10 NADH, 2 FADH2, 4 ATP, 6 CO2)
                                 2e + 2 H + FAD---------->FADH2
     D. The Electron Transport Chain-Series of Cytochrome embedded in the Inner Mitochondrial membrane that contain three protein complexes I, II, and III that act as proton pumps.
             1. NADH donates its electrons to PC I (Protein Complex I) and their energy is used to pump protons from the Mitochondrial Matrix into the Inter-Membrane Space.  They continue on to PC II and PC III which do the same.
             2. FADH2 donates its electrons to PC II and PC III.
             3. This creates a proton gradient where protons flow back through ATP Synthase, to make approximately 32 more ATP from 1 Glucose. (0 NADH, 0 FADH2, 36 ATP, 6 CO2, 6 H2O )
           4. The electrons are "accepted" by O2 and H20 is the product.
                      4H + 4e + O2---------->2H2O

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