Monday, September 10, 2012


4. Nucleic Acids: 3
     a. DNA--Deoxyribonucleic Acid--genetic information
         Structure: Composed of subunits called nucleotides: PO4--Deoxyribose--Nitrogenous Base
                        1 phospate, 1 sugar, 1 base                     (P)        (S)              4 Bases: Adenine, Guanine,
                                                                                                                              Cytosine, & Thymine
                                                                                                    A & D are Purines (double rings)
                                                                                                   C & T Pyrinidines (single ring)

                                                                             OH in RNA
                                                                             H in DNA               (in the R-group coming off the sugar)
                           P                      P
                             \                  /
                            S--A... T--S
                           /                 /
                         P                 P
                         \                 /
                         S--G... A--S
                       P              So on so forth.

Chargaff's Rules: A Bonds to T always. G to C.
DNA is complimentary (one side compliments the other {A-T G-C})
Double Helix allows DNA to make exact replicates. Also allows for copying genetic information by RNA.
Allows for DNA repair.
DNA is anti-parallel. One side faces in the opposite direction to the other.

     b. RNA--Ribonucleic Acid. Same structure as DNA with the following exceptions:
                    i. Uracil replaces Thymine
                    ii. Ribose, not deoxyribose
                    iii. Single Strand, not double
      Function: Copies genes & translates that information into a protein.

A-T-G-C-A-T-G-G-G-A-T-G-C-C-A         DNA (gene)
U-A-C-G-U-A-C-C-C-U-A-C-G-G-U       mRNA (m=messenger)

Underlined part leaves nucleus of the cell & goes out into the cytoplasm where it anchors onto a ribosome. (amino acid)           (same shape as first)
     |             |          |             |           |
A-U-G C-A-U G-G-G  A-U-G C-C-A         tRNA
U-A-C-G-U-A-C-C-C-U-A-C-G-G-U         64 words in DNA

     c. ATP--Adenosine Tri-phospate--Our cell's energy currency
        Structure: PO4 bonds are High Energy Bonds.

ATP<----------------------------------> ADP (di) + P
        -------------> Heat

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