Thursday, September 13, 2012

A. Mitochondria- powerhouses of the cell
     1. Right Size- look like Bacilli: rod-shaped bacteria
     2. have their own DNA (circular-"plasmids")- Reproduce on their own
     3. Have a double membrane system. Cell being engulfed by a bigger cell causes an inner membrane from the "engulfed cell" and the outer membrane from the host cell. Inner membrane folds(drapes-curtains) like cristae in bacteria
    4. Ribosomes are similar to bacterial- make their own proteins
B. Chloroplasts- Photosynthesizesers in plants and algae(s).
     1. Right size- same as cyanobacteria: shape is similar
     2. have their own DNA
     3. Have a double membrane system- inner is similar to membrane system in cyanobacteria
     4. Ribosomes are similar to bacterial- make their own proteins

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