Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Competitive Inhibition-occurs when an inhibiting molecule (poison) moves into the active site and blocks the substrate from entering

Adenosine triphosphate(ATP) is the main energy currency of the cell
-Each ATP molecue is composed of 3 parts
1. Adenine Triphosphate
2. Adenine disphate
3. Adenine mono-phosphate

Many reactions involve the passage of electrons from one atom/molecule to another
-Oxidation-is the loss of electrons and looses energy
-Reduction- is the gain of electrons and gains energy

Oxidation reduction reactions always take place together


Photosynthesis- process that captures and converts light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose (carbohydrate)

It occurs in the:
-plasma membranes and some bacteria
-cells of algea
-leaves of plants


Cuticle-clear waxy non-cellular layer-waterproofs
Epidermis-secretes cuticle
Palisade Mesophyll-Where most photosyntesis takes place
Spongy Mesophyll-Some Photosynthesis--gaps allow diffusion of CO2 in and O2
Vascular Bundle-Converts water up and sugar water down

-double membrane system
-Thylakoid= disk on stack-where light absorption happens
-Space between stacks=groma 

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