Monday, September 24, 2012


How energy is transformed and utilized by the cell.

Energy: ability to do work
      Two states: Kinetic and Potential

I. Laws of Thermodynamics
 A. First Law- energy cannot be created or destroyed- it can only be converted from one form to another.
         Note: Most life relies on light energy being converted into a usable form.

Light >>> Glucose >>> ATP >>> Heat

 B. Second Law- Entropy Happens
         Death = Entropy

II. Enzymes- protein catalysts that lower the activation energy required for cellular chemical reactions.
        Enzymes neither add, nor subtract atoms from chemical reactions.
        Enzyme concentration does not change with the chemical reaction.

How can the rate of enzyme catalysis speed up?
   1. More enzyme
   2. More substrate
   3 Add energy
            a. heat
            b. kinetic- stir it

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