Thursday, September 20, 2012

I. Exocytosis- vesicle, with cell product or waste, moves to the cell membrane and is "pushed out" of the cell.
J. Proton Pump- Pumps protons onto one side of a membrane creating a proton diffusional gradient.
K. ATP Synthase- This is how we generate ATP from glucose, pump the glucose through creating ATP. Uses light power or glucose power to generate ATP from the flow of protons back across a membrane.

VI. Other Membrane Proteins
A. Recognition Proteins (MHC marteors) - Allow the body's immune system to recognize cells as domestic.
B. Receptor Proteins- other free proteins bond to them and this illicit a series of chemical reactions inside the cell. Changing it. Protein hormones bond to these.

VII. Movement Inside the Cell-  A complex of proteins called:
A. Dyne actin Complex- bonds to a vesicle (with stored materials) and using ATP as fuel, it "walks" the vesicle along micro tubules in the cell to its destination.

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