Thursday, February 14, 2013

02/14/13- Happy Valentine's Day! Here are some notes

B. Openings (continued)
3. Acidity- in digestive and reproductive tracts- kills cells
4. Normal Flora- in digestive tract. Outcompete potential pathogens

C. Cells
1. Platolets- blood celsl that produce clotting proteins
2. Phagocytes- white blood cells that "eat" anything foreign. Neutrophils (most common) and Macrophages (largest and most effective phagocyte)
3. Natural killer cells- White blood cell's- find foreign cells and lyse them. ID maligent cells and kill them.

D) The inflammatory response- 2 scenarios
1. Localized- (cut)
a. injured cells begin to release a chemical, HISTOMINE. (causes inflimation)
b. Histomine acts on surrounding blood vessels, dialating the, allowing a greater volume of blood to flow into them. (swelling, red color and possible heat)
c. Provides more oxygen, glucose, and clotting factors for healing
d. stretches the walls of the blood vessels an dit makes hte blood vessel more porous. This allows WBC's (phagocytes, NK cells) to enter the damaged area to do their job.
e. Pus- is hte remains of phagocytes that eaten themselves to death.

2. Systemic- system-wide
a. white blood cells produce antibodies that bond to Mast Cells- which release histomine
b. the area around the infection will have its blood vessels dilated, and this does what a LOCALIZED RESPONSE will do
c. this causes muscous membranes to increase production
d. it can also brain to increase body temp. The brain produces PYROGENS that cause fever

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