Friday, February 22, 2013

February 21, 2013

The Nervous System

I. Organization
        A. Central Nervous System- Brain and Spinal Cord (CNS)
        B. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)- Everything outside of theCNS.
                1.Sensory- Conveying messages to the CNS.
                2. Motor- Conveying messages from the CNS. (2 Divisions)
                                a.Somatic- "voluntary"- involves skeletal muscle response.
                                b.Autonomic-"involuntary"- involves cardiac and smooth muscle response and glands,   kidneys,pancreas etc. (2 Divisions)
                                         i. Sympathetic- "waking"-involved with increased activity.
                                        ii. Parasympathetic- "sleeping"- involved with decreased activity.

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