Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb 19th

III Specific Defense-Dual Response.  The Immune Response-Taylor make chemicals and cells for the particular pathogen infecting you. Dual Response: 2 cascades of evens that happen simultaneously
     A. The Humoral Response involves cells called B-Lymphocytes (B-Bone they emerge from bone marrow ready to do battle and produce antibodies-chemical warfare protiens) Lymph-fluid that flows through the lymphatic system-while blood kcells use it as a highway and lymph nodes are way stations for these cells. Lymph Nodes- storage for lymphocytes.
          1. Activation- 2 ways:
                a. The Capping Hypothesis- surface antibodies attach to the pathogen and endocytize it. (Minor)
               * b. Via the Cell Mediated Response and IL II. (Major)
          2. Action- B-cells that are activated begin to divide into 2 types:
                a. Memory B-Cells-stay in lymph nodes and wait for the same invader to infect you a second, third etc. time. Lifelong. Gives us our Immunological Memory.
Vaccines-when an attenuated(somehow rendered harmless) version of a pathogen is intorduced into the body in order to build Immunological memory.
               b.  Plasma B-Cells-produce antibodies. What do they do? They are Specifically design for the pathogen to:
                       i.  Agglutination-to glue together.  Attach a number of pathogens together.  Stops infection and helps phagocytosis.
                      ii. Precipitation-viruses dissolve in waternand some antibodies will cause them to precipitate-come out of solution and crystallize

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