Thursday, February 7, 2013

II. Speciation
     B. "Peak Shift"
     When an environment drastically changes, this changes the "adaptive landscape" and promotes new adaptations for new niches (jobs) and this creates new species.
III. Adaptive Radiation- Darwin's Finches. When one species involves into many. Happens when the environment offers multiple unutilized resources and little or no competition.Happens on a global scale after mass extinctions.

 Blue-Black Graskwit----- Medium Ground Seeds
Reaches Carrying Capacity
The birds that were adapted to eat small and large seeds are good too.
The Graskwit also will eat Medium Tree Seeds, plus large and small tree seeds from adaptation, there is fruit in the trees they will eat too. Then that bird will eat insects if all the seeds run out and that is how the different species evolve from the starting species.
All the new species "radiate" around the first.

IV. Coevolution- when one species' evolution is significantly influenced by another species.
     A. Predator/Prey relationships. (antelope and cheetah, Red Queen Affect).
     B. Competitiors (Red Queen Affect)
     C. Mutuaism- Plants and Pollinators
     D. Parasitism
     E. Mimicry- When two species mimic the "look" of each other.
          1. Mullerian- when venomous or toxic organisms mimic each other. Black/yellow insect.
          2. Batesian- when a non-venomous or toxic species mimics a "harmful" one. Monarch and Viceroy butterflies.

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